12 research outputs found

    Self-organizing maps versus growing neural Gas in detecting anomalies in data centers

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    Reliability is one of the key performance factors in data centres. The out-of-scale energy costs of these facilities lead data centre operators to increase the ambient temperature of the data room to decrease cooling costs. However, increasing ambient temperature reduces the safety margins and can result in a higher number of anomalous events. Anomalies in the data centre need to be detected as soon as possible to optimize cooling efficiency and mitigate the harmful effects over servers. This article proposes the usage of clustering-based outlier detection techniques coupled with a trust and reputation system engine to detect anomalies in data centres. We show how self-organizing maps or growing neural gas can be applied to detect cooling and workload anomalies, respectively, in a real data centre scenario with very good detection and isolation rates, in a way that is robust to the malfunction of the sensors that gather server and environmental information

    AMISEC: Leveraging Redundancy and Adaptability to Secure AmI Applications

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    Security in Ambient Intelligence (AmI) poses too many challenges due to the inherently insecure nature of wireless sensor nodes. However, there are two characteristics of these environments that can be used effectively to prevent, detect, and confine attacks: redundancy and continuous adaptation. In this article we propose a global strategy and a system architecture to cope with security issues in AmI applications at different levels. Unlike in previous approaches, we assume an individual wireless node is vulnerable. We present an agent-based architecture with supporting services that is proven to be adequate to detect and confine common attacks. Decisions at different levels are supported by a trust-based framework with good and bad reputation feedback while maintaining resistance to bad-mouthing attacks. We also propose a set of services that can be used to handle identification, authentication, and authorization in intelligent ambients. The resulting approach takes into account practical issues, such as resource limitation, bandwidth optimization, and scalability

    Patients Monitoring System based on a Wireless Sensor Network Adaptive Platform

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    Guaranteeing ubiquity and appropriateness of health services provision to the users constitutes a priority issue for the Public Health Authorities. This paper presents an innovative Wireless Personal Area Network architecture that takes advantage of some of the features provided by Intelligent Environments -large number of devices, heterogeneous networks and mobility enhancement- in order to adapt and personalise ambient conditions to the user profile

    Wireless Sensor Network to Support Home Care

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    The care of patients suffering from chronic diseases is a growing source of expense for healthcare services around the world. The implementation of new models for patients’ treatment and follow-up needs to be faced in order to increase patients’ quality of life and to reduce the costs associated. In this paper we propose a point-of-care for home care scenarios that is based on the remote monitoring of biomedical parameters

    Using clustering techniques for intelligent camera-based user interfaces

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    The area of Human-Machine Interface is growing fast due to its high importance in all technological systems. The basic idea behind designing human-machine interfaces is to enrich the communication with the technology in a natural and easy way. Gesture interfaces are a good example of transparent interfaces. Such interfaces must identify properly the action the user wants to perform, so the proper gesture recognition is of the highest importance. However, most of the systems based on gesture recognition use complex methods requiring high-resource devices. In this work, we propose to model gestures capturing their temporal properties, which significantly reduce storage requirements, and use clustering techniques, namely self-organizing maps and unsupervised genetic algorithm, for their classification. We further propose to train a certain number of algorithms with different parameters and combine their decision using majority voting in order to decrease the false positive rate. The main advantage of the approach is its simplicity, which enables the implementation using devices with limited resources, and therefore low cost. The testing results demonstrate its high potential

    Bio-inspired enhancement of reputation systems for intelligent environments

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    Providing security to the emerging field of ambient intelligence will be difficult if we rely only on existing techniques, given their dynamic and heterogeneous nature. Moreover, security demands of these systems are expected to grow, as many applications will require accurate context modeling. In this work we propose an enhancement to the reputation systems traditionally deployed for securing these systems. Different anomaly detectors are combined using the immunological paradigm to optimize reputation system performance in response to evolving security requirements. As an example, the experiments show how a combination of detectors based on unsupervised techniques (self-organizing maps and genetic algorithms) can help to significantly reduce the global response time of the reputation system. The proposed solution offers many benefits: scalability, fast response to adversarial activities, ability to detect unknown attacks, high adaptability, and high ability in detecting and confining attacks. For these reasons, we believe that our solution is capable of coping with the dynamism of ambient intelligence systems and the growing requirements of security demands

    Securing implementations of feedback-shift-register-based ciphers using compiler optimizations and co-processors

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    Los algoritmos basados en registros de desplazamiento con realimentación (en inglés FSR) se han utilizado como generadores de flujos pseudoaleatorios en aplicaciones con recursos limitados como los sistemas de apertura sin llave. Se considera canal primario a aquel que se utiliza para realizar una transmisión de información. La aparición de los ataques de canal auxiliar (en inglés SCA), que explotan información filtrada inintencionadamente a través de canales laterales como el consumo, las emisiones electromagnéticas o el tiempo empleado, supone una grave amenaza para estas aplicaciones, dado que los dispositivos son accesibles por un atacante. El objetivo de esta tesis es proporcionar un conjunto de protecciones que se puedan aplicar de forma automática y que utilicen recursos ya disponibles, evitando un incremento sustancial en los costes y alargando la vida útil de aplicaciones que puedan estar desplegadas. Explotamos el paralelismo existente en algoritmos FSR, ya que sólo hay 1 bit de diferencia entre estados de rondas consecutivas. Realizamos aportaciones en tres niveles: a nivel de sistema, utilizando un coprocesador reconfigurable, a través del compilador y a nivel de bit, aprovechando los recursos disponibles en el procesador. Proponemos un marco de trabajo que nos permite evaluar implementaciones de un algoritmo incluyendo los efectos introducidos por el compilador considerando que el atacante es experto. En el campo de los ataques, hemos propuesto un nuevo ataque diferencial que se adapta mejor a las condiciones de las implementaciones software de FSR, en las que el consumo entre rondas es muy similar. SORU2 es un co-procesador vectorial reconfigurable propuesto para reducir el consumo energético en aplicaciones con paralelismo y basadas en el uso de bucles. Proponemos el uso de SORU2, además, para ejecutar algoritmos basados en FSR de forma segura. Al ser reconfigurable, no supone un sobrecoste en recursos, ya que no está dedicado en exclusiva al algoritmo de cifrado. Proponemos una configuración que ejecuta múltiples algoritmos de cifrado similares de forma simultánea, con distintas implementaciones y claves. A partir de una implementación sin protecciones, que demostramos que es completamente vulnerable ante SCA, obtenemos una implementación segura a los ataques que hemos realizado. A nivel de compilador, proponemos un mecanismo para evaluar los efectos de las secuencias de optimización del compilador sobre una implementación. El número de posibles secuencias de optimizaciones de compilador es extremadamente alto. El marco de trabajo propuesto incluye un algoritmo para la selección de las secuencias de optimización a considerar. Debido a que las optimizaciones del compilador transforman las implementaciones, se pueden generar automáticamente implementaciones diferentes combinamos para incrementar la seguridad ante SCA. Proponemos 2 mecanismos de aplicación de estas contramedidas, que aumentan la seguridad de la implementación original sin poder considerarse seguras. Finalmente hemos propuesto la ejecución paralela a nivel de bit del algoritmo en un procesador. Utilizamos la forma algebraica normal del algoritmo, que automáticamente se paraleliza. La implementación sobre el algoritmo evaluado mejora en rendimiento y evita que se filtre información por una ejecución dependiente de datos. Sin embargo, es más vulnerable ante ataques diferenciales que la implementación original. Proponemos una modificación del algoritmo para obtener una implementación segura, descartando parcialmente ejecuciones del algoritmo, de forma aleatoria. Esta implementación no introduce una sobrecarga en rendimiento comparada con las implementaciones originales. En definitiva, hemos propuesto varios mecanismos originales a distintos niveles para introducir aleatoridad en implementaciones de algoritmos FSR sin incrementar sustancialmente los recursos necesarios. ABSTRACT Feedback Shift Registers (FSR) have been traditionally used to implement pseudorandom sequence generators. These generators are used in Stream ciphers in systems with tight resource constraints, such as Remote Keyless Entry. When communicating electronic devices, the primary channel is the one used to transmit the information. Side-Channel Attack (SCA) use additional information leaking from the actual implementation, including power consumption, electromagnetic emissions or timing information. Side-Channel Attacks (SCA) are a serious threat to FSR-based applications, as an attacker usually has physical access to the devices. The main objective of this Ph.D. thesis is to provide a set of countermeasures that can be applied automatically using the available resources, avoiding a significant cost overhead and extending the useful life of deployed systems. If possible, we propose to take advantage of the inherent parallelism of FSR-based algorithms, as the state of a FSR differs from previous values only in 1-bit. We have contributed in three different levels: architecture (using a reconfigurable co-processor), using compiler optimizations, and at bit level, making the most of the resources available at the processor. We have developed a framework to evaluate implementations of an algorithm including the effects introduced by the compiler. We consider the presence of an expert attacker with great knowledge on the application and the device. Regarding SCA, we have presented a new differential SCA that performs better than traditional SCA on software FSR-based algorithms, where the leaked values are similar between rounds. SORU2 is a reconfigurable vector co-processor. It has been developed to reduce energy consumption in loop-based applications with parallelism. In addition, we propose its use for secure implementations of FSR-based algorithms. The cost overhead is discarded as the co-processor is not exclusively dedicated to the encryption algorithm. We present a co-processor configuration that executes multiple simultaneous encryptions, using different implementations and keys. From a basic implementation, which is proved to be vulnerable to SCA, we obtain an implementation where the SCA applied were unsuccessful. At compiler level, we use the framework to evaluate the effect of sequences of compiler optimization passes on a software implementation. There are many optimization passes available. The optimization sequences are combinations of the available passes. The amount of sequences is extremely high. The framework includes an algorithm for the selection of interesting sequences that require detailed evaluation. As existing compiler optimizations transform the software implementation, using different optimization sequences we can automatically generate different implementations. We propose to randomly switch between the generated implementations to increase the resistance against SCA.We propose two countermeasures. The results show that, although they increase the resistance against SCA, the resulting implementations are not secure. At bit level, we propose to exploit bit level parallelism of FSR-based implementations using pseudo bitslice implementation in a wireless node processor. The bitslice implementation is automatically obtained from the Algebraic Normal Form of the algorithm. The results show a performance improvement, avoiding timing information leakage, but increasing the vulnerability against differential SCA.We provide a secure version of the algorithm by randomly discarding part of the data obtained. The overhead in performance is negligible when compared to the original implementations. To summarize, we have proposed a set of original countermeasures at different levels that introduce randomness in FSR-based algorithms avoiding a heavy overhead on the resources required

    Building accurate models to determine the current CPU utilization of a host within a virtual machine allocated on it

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    In cloud computing environments there are several virtual machines running in the same host. This fact opens the door for possible side channel-attacks. Prior to perform an attack it is mandatory to determine co- residency with the victim. An synchronized variation in the CPU activity in the host is a possible indicator of the presence of neighboring processes. However, cloud providers do not give information about the hosts CPU load, so we have to figure out a way of estimating it. We estimate the host CPU load considering its impact on the performance of a virtual machine (VM) running on it. In this work, we show that it is possible to calculate the CPU load of the host by executing a reference process, measuring the time it takes to execute, and using this information as an input to generate the CPU load models. We explore regression methods and regression methods tuned with genetic algorithms for the model generation. As a result, considering a CPU load value between 0 (no load) and 100 (maximum load), we obtain models which compute the host load with a mean squared error of around 5%, 10% and 30% (depending on the host architecture) when estimating the load every second

    An FPGA based tracking implementation for Parkinson's patients

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    This paper presents a study on the optimization of the tracking system designed for patients with Parkinson's disease tested at a day hospital center. The work performed significantly improves the efficiency of the computer vision based system in terms of energy consumption and hardware requirements. More specifically, it optimizes the performances of the background subtraction by segmenting every frame previously characterized by a Gaussian mixture model (GMM). This module is the most demanding part in terms of computation resources, and therefore, this paper proposes a method for its implementation by means of a low-cost development board based on Zynq XC7Z020 SoC (system on chip). The platform used is the ZedBoard, which combines an ARM Processor unit and a FPGA. It achieves real-time performance and low power consumption while performing the target request accurately. The results and achievements of this study, validated in real medical settings, are discussed and analyzed within

    Building accurate models to determine the current CPU utilization of a host within a virtual machine allocated on it

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    In cloud computing environments there are several virtual machines running in the same host. This fact opens the door for possible side channel-attacks. Prior to perform an attack it is mandatory to determine co- residency with the victim. An synchronized variation in the CPU activity in the host is a possible indicator of the presence of neighboring processes. However, cloud providers do not give information about the hosts CPU load, so we have to figure out a way of estimating it. We estimate the host CPU load considering its impact on the performance of a virtual machine (VM) running on it. In this work, we show that it is possible to calculate the CPU load of the host by executing a reference process, measuring the time it takes to execute, and using this information as an input to generate the CPU load models. We explore regression methods and regression methods tuned with genetic algorithms for the model generation. As a result, considering a CPU load value between 0 (no load) and 100 (maximum load), we obtain models which compute the host load with a mean squared error of around 5%, 10% and 30% (depending on the host architecture) when estimating the load every second